Monday, January 26, 2015

January 2015

Welcome to my photoblog on: 
Howell Woods Environmental Learning Center

My name is James. I am a senior at South Johnston High School in Benson, NC.

I love the outdoors and plan to attend college majoring in environmental science or biotechnology. I'm not positive as to my major as of this moment, but conservation is also high on my list. We inherited a pristine planet. It is my hope that we leave our planet clean, healthy and rich with resources for future generations. Please consider voting for politicians that are environmentally conscious.

I want to take this opportunity thank all of you that have visited my blog throughout the year. I hope you have found at least part of the info I've posted to be helpful. I am always open to suggestions and comments. Thank you to those who have reached out to me with suggestions over this last year. I appreciate it. Keep the suggestions coming.

Thank you as well to everyone that has liked my facebook fan page for Howell Woods. Likes are a good way for me to track if my posts are reaching folks.

Thank you most of all to everyone at Howell Woods, for sharing your time, your knowledge and information with me. Jordan, Steve, Mike, Peyton and Brittany, you guys are great. Thank you. This volunteering experience has helped to confirm that I am on the right career path. I hope to continue volunteering as long as you'll have me.

"Have a great day, spend it outdoors!"


To learn more about Howell Woods, please see my previous posts for info, photos, and videos. If you've never been to Howell Woods I hope this blog will peak your interest enough that you will visit. It is a treasure located in Johnston County and one of my favorite places.


To visit the Howell Woods website, click on the link below of contact Director, Jordan Astoske.

Jordan Astoske
Director of Howell Woods
(919) 938-0115 ext. 221  



January 2015

This month I thought I would write about and show some examples of how I plan to use technology to show the wonders of Howell Woods to the public.  Many new things are to come in 2015.  I would like to make my blog more interactive and more advanced this year.  I will do more this year to use the technology as I learn and research to promote Howell Woods.  As a new addition to the blog, I will be posting audio sound bites and video clips of the animals found at Howell Woods.  I thought a good place to start would be the owls.

Barred Owl
I call her "Strixy" short for her scientific name Strix varia

These are sound clips from this owl and there are many many more because this is one of the most vocal species of owl.  All owls have the capacity to make several different vocalizations. 

Great Horned Owl
Scientific Name - Bubo virginianus
I call him "Karl" just because that's the name on his feeding log.

I am helping research the possibility of setting up a live cameras inside the bird enclosures at Howell Woods. If that happens, you could view the birds 24/7 via the Howell Woods website. Below are some links that are examples of how live camera feeds are used. I think it would be a great addition. I will add the link to my blog as well. Crossing my fingers it materializes.