Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December 2014

Welcome to my photoblog on: 
Howell Woods Environmental Learning Center

Presentation to Board of Directors Soil and Water Conservation Johnston County November 2014.

My name is James. I am a senior at South Johnston High School in Benson, NC.

I love the outdoors and plan to attend college majoring in environmental science or biotechnology. I'm not positive as to my major as of this moment, but conservation is also high on my list. We inherited a pristine planet. It is my hope that we leave our planet clean, healthy and rich with resources for future generations. Please consider voting for politicians that are environmentally conscious. 
Happy Holidays Everyone!!! See you in 2015.

It's hard to believe how quickly 2014 has flown by.  It's been a busy but very rewarding year.

I want to take this opportunity thank all of you that have visited my blog throughout the year.
I hope you have found at least part of the info I've posted to be helpful. I am always open to
suggestions and comments. Thank you to those who have reached out to me with suggestions
over this last year. I appreciate it. Keep the suggestions coming.

Thank you as well to everyone that has liked my facebook fan page for Howell Woods.
Likes are a good way for me to track if my posts are reaching folks.

Thank you most of all to everyone at Howell Woods, for sharing your time, your knowledge
and information with me. Jordan, Steve, Mike, Peyton and Brittany, you guys are great. Thank you.
This volunteering experience has helped to confirm that I am on the right career path. I hope to
continue volunteering as long as you'll have me.

In the upcoming year I have some format changes and some new features planned for this blog so please check back to see the improvements.

"Have a great day, spend it outdoors!"


To learn more about Howell Woods, please see my previous posts for info, photos, and videos. If you've never been to Howell Woods I hope this blog will peak your interest enough that you will visit. It is a treasure located in Johnston County and one of my favorite places.


To visit the Howell Woods website, click on the link below of contact Director, Jordan Astoske.

Jordan Astoske
Director of Howell Woods
(919) 938-0115 ext. 221 


December 2014

I thought it only fitting to end the year review with a couple of quotes taken from my interview with director of Howell Woods, Jordan Astoske.  Jordan says it best.

"...Not many people know what, where, or who we are.  The biggest thing that people can do for us is to be advocates for us. Spread the word. Tell your friends and family about us."

In addition, I'd like to share photos from 2014. Click on the side bar to see the entire blog for each month if you've missed one or would just like to revisit. Better still, plan a visit to Howell Woods and bring a friend or family member. Perhaps organize a group trip. You'll be glad you did.

January - The Raptor Center

February - Howell Woods Facilities and Activities

March - Trail Video and Snow Photos

April - Woodstock 2014

May - Trail Video and photos of vegetable garden, plant and animal life around Howell Woods

June - Hummingbirds and updated vegetable garden photos

July - Canoe Trip Video - Reptile and Amphibians

August - Ticks

September - Native Plants

October - Native Pests

November - Museum and caretaker Brittany Brenner